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  • Vision and Language representation
  • Zero shot classifier
    • Uses natural language as a flexible prediction space
  • Two encoders: one for text and another for image(Resnet or ViT)
    • contrastive learning
  • Doesn't directly optimize for the benchmark


  • Data (400M text and image pairs)
  • Contrastive pre-training
  • Computational efficiency: transformers parallelism
  • Visual & Language Representation

Why ?

  • typical vision data creation is very labor intensive.


  • Scaling with higher compute
  • abstract tasks like counting
  • fine grained classification
    • Predicting the model of a car, species of a flower, etc
  • Data not in the pre-training dataset
    • like MNIST: hand written digits
  • some prompt engineering maybe required
  • NOT Data efficient, but rather provides a method that can be scaled to supervise with millions of images.


  • Previously approaches to make it work in the embedding space.
    • De-VISE
    • FAIR


  • An image search engine
  • Discriminator for GANs