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Vision Transformers


  • Originally introduced at
  • Only Encoder used, proposes a pure transformer model for sequence of image patches.
    • Pass through a linear embedding layer
    • Tokens for transformer
  • Pre-trained on image data
    • ImageNet, ... for classifcation task and then the head removed
    • require less computation
  • Why Transformers?
  • BERT trained using self-supervised pre-training task, [[GPT]] with language modeling
  • For Images
    • Pixel-wise is too expensive
    • Self attention to only local areas: can completely replace transformers.
    • Scalable approximation to global self attention a paper
    • 2x2 patches and self attention (works for small images)

Inductive Bias

Theoretically a Fully connected neural network can approximate any function and thus any mapping. We design certain network structures, using our understanding of a domain, so that a network can more easily learn about that particular domain This introduces a bias, that helps the network do well. - CNN: - Locality - Translation Equivalent - 2 Dimensional structure - RNN: - The Sequence nature of the data These are imposed from human understanding of the domain(images & language). We call them biases as they in a way restrict model's ability to learn a more general function. ? - Good for less amount of data

No need for inductive biases

  • Inductive Bias helps when data is less.
  • But then data is plenty(303M or more idk), they can hinder




  • Data -> Vectors
  • In NLP, the data is generally a token
  • In VIT:
    • transform image into 16 x 16 patches
    • Rearrange('b c (h p1) (w p2) -> b (h w) (p1 p2 c)')
    • Fully connected neurons \(\(\Large x \in R^{H \times W \times C} \rightarrow x_p \in R^{N \times (P^2C)} \Rightarrow z_0 \in R^{(1+N) \times D}\)\) \(\rightarrow\): Reshaping \(\Rightarrow\): Trainable Linear projection We add an extra token as the {class} token
  • Use of 1 D Learnable Positional Embedding, on later analysis, they have some aspect of the 2 D shape

Positional Embedding

  • 1 D positional embedding.
  • Trained on lower Image size, fine tuned on higher
  • Interpolation done for positional embeddings


  • Use of MLP with one hidden layer, GLUE non linearity
  • Use of \(z_l^0\)

Fine Tuning

  • Attach a zero-initialized \(D \times K\) feed-forward layer
  • When images are of higher resolution
    • keep the patch size
    • sequence length becomes larger and positional embedding lose meaning
    • 2D interpolation of pre-trained positional embeddings

Experimental Setups

  • Hybrid: Feeding intermediate features extracted from a CNN
  • Evaluated using few shots (when there are many examples to fine tune) and fine tune accuracy

Observations from ViT layers

  • CNN Filter like structures learned at the initial linear embedding layer
  • Closer patches have similar positional embeddings
    • Form a 2D topology: the embeddings store information about their position in image
  • Ability to attend to global information is used by the transformers from the start


  • To use ViT effectively, it requires a lot of data, as only then, will we not require the inductive bias.
  • If not enough data is available CNN structures perform better
  • ViT better performance/compute tradeoff, hybrids better at lower computational capabilities