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Key idea

  • Some mash of semi supervised learning, transfer learning
  • We have a
    • Small dataset: ImageNet with labels
    • Much larger dataset: Internet unlabeled
    • We wish to somehow use the much larger dataset.
  • The unique approach is that instead of training on the unlabeled dataset for transfer learning, we use the labeled dataset and a teacher model Teacher: Train a model on ImageNet and use it to label a large amount of unlabeled data Student: Train on the new labeled data
  • One would think Student shouldn't be able to outperform the teacher, but in this, the student outperforms the teacher

Key Addition

  • Add a lot of noise(augmentation) on the big dataset (added robustness) and a lot of noise on the model(dropout, stochastic depth)
  • Student is larger than the teacher Pasted image 20231225222716.png

Some Details

  • Teacher labels can be hard or soft pseudo labels. (Soft work better)
  • Larger Teacher -> better
  • A ton of data required
  • Increase batch size of the student
  • Teacher: gives pseudo labels to un-augmented images, Student: trained on augmented images
  • Filter images the teacher model has low confidence on (probably they are out of domain images)
  • Balance the unlabeled images class wise, so that they match the original distribution. (dublication: upsampling /talking images with higher confidence: downsampling)
  • Iterative training
  • Joint Training on labeled and unlabeled data.
  • Training student from scratch maybe better
  • All this introduces robustness to pertubations on the input images, better ability to tackle adversarial input