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  • Language keeps evolving continuously
  • Mapping all words to OOV is bad
  • Mapping different vectors of different versions of words can be wasteful
    • eat, eating, eated, ..
  • Split words into sequences of known subwords. a woman eats rice t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 a wo ##man eat ##s rice (0, 1)


  • Model treats sub word as a token, split words not treated differently.
  • Very long words
    • If the long word is not very common, tough luck baby, natural selection (or stats)
  • Also, we generally try to split words into the lowest amount of subwords
  • One could image with the word watch not being that common and a being super common, and the spitting w## a## tch is very bad
  • Read this for nepali:
  • Sentence Piece Embeddings:,normalized%20text%20is%20preserved%20in%20the%20encoder%E2%80%99s%20output.

Byte-Pair Encoding

  • Start with characters and [EOS] token.
  • Find common adjacent characters, combine it as a subword.
  • Repeat until desired vocab size achieved.


  • Similarly to byte-pair
  • Adds those pairs which maximize the likelihood of the training data
  • i think this means Chooses the word that maximizes the equation, \(l_1\) and \(l_2\) are tokens \(\(\frac {P(l_1l_2)} {P(l_2 | l_1)}\)\)
  • used in BERT


  • Starts with a large vocab and progressively trims down
  • Removes ~10% of tokens that would least decrease loss, each iteration.
  • stores probablities of each token, and tokenizes to maximize the probablity.
  • Used in conjunction with sentence piece


  • Takes the entire stream as input, including spaces, and uses BPE or unigram to construct vocab.
  • Eg: albert, T5, ..

Random Examples

  • ---------------: Tables idk
  • Tastyyyyyyyyyy, talbe (misspelling)

  • kina mbert le ramro gardaina

  • Muril and mbert

  • Bayes rule for finding which is good,