Next Sentence Prediction
- Say you are trying to predict using next word prediction in a wiki article about a person X.
- Now you will need to know about when person born, what they did, and so on.
- For learning relationship between sentences, using sentences from same document and different documents
Masked Language Model
- Mask
of input words
This is a [MASK] sentence. This is a bad [MASK].
- Issue
- Low Number of predictions per sentence
- Too little masking: too expensive to train
- Too much masking: not enough context
Masked Token Prediction:
- Lower number of predictions compared to next word prediction
Next word Prediction
- Only uses left context(or right context) but Language understanding is bidirectional
- Issue: words can "see themselves" in a bidirectional context
- Masked LM takes longer to converge but does much better pretty fast
- At the very beginning, left-to-right does better, probably because more data