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  • Word2Vec

ELMo: Context Matters

  • words have different meaning depending on the context
  • "stick": "let's stick to the plan" vs "i used a walking stick"
  • Use of bidirectional LSTM to look at the whole context
  • Trained on predicting the next word Pasted image 20231206130331.png Pasted image 20231206143007.png


  • Utilize a lot of what model learns during pretraining
  • Introduces a way to do transfer learning

OpenAI Transformer

Decoder model for language modeling - Stack 12 decoders and throw 7000 books at them - books good, long context - Trained using next word prediction, forward only language model - Issue: Only context from one side - We need to mask the next token as to not let embedding leak in


Encoder model for language modeling Pasted image 20231206145026.png

Masked Language model

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Two sentence Task

From this task, it is assumed that the bert model learns to encapsulate the entire information of a sentence in the [CLS] token Pasted image 20231206145557.png

BERT On different Tasks

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BERT as a feature extractor

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